Kis Kisko Pyaar Karu is an upcoming 2015 Indian comedy film directed by the famous director duo Abbas-Mustan, in which Indian TV stand-up comedy star Kapil Sharma is making film debut. Rest of the star cast includes Manjari Fadnis, simran kaur mundi, Elli Avram, Sai Lokur, Varun Sharma,Supriya Pathak, Sharat Saxena, Manoj Joshi, Chali, Jamie Lever and Arbaaz Khan. Before this movie Kapil was supposed to debut in Bollywood with a Yash Raj Film.
Kapil Sharma 6 roles he should play.
Ace stand-up comedian Kapil Sharma, who wowed the audience with his wit and humour in television show Comedy Nights With Kapil, is now gearing up to take Bollywood by storm. Ditrected by Abbas-Mustan, the film titled Kis Kisko Pyaar Karu,
went on floor. The film stars Kapil Sharma, Sai Lokur, Elli Avram,
Manjari Fadnis, Simran Mundi, Varun Sharma, Sharat Saxena, Supriya
Pathak, Manoj Joshi, Jamie Lever, Charli and Arbaaz Khan in interesting
roles. It's interesting to note that Kapil was earlier supposed to debut
in Bollywood with a YRF film. Now that our favourite comedian is going
out of his comfort zone to try his hand at acting, we prepare a wishlist
of the kind of diverse roles we would like to see Kapil Sharma
Superhero: Imagine Kapil Sharma as a superhero gifted with
awesome supernatural powers with the aim to protect the world from the
evil forces. Probably dressed in cape and a mask, we would love to see
him as the ultimate hero who not only beats the bad guys and romances
the damsels-in-distress but also jumps across the buildings and pull off
some cool stunts. The mere thought of Kapil Sharma as the Batman or
Spider-Man is unimaginable and hence is bound to create curiosity. The
production house will also be able to cash in on this never-seen-before
avatar of Kapil Sharma and the film is also sure to find favour with
Kapil's younger fans.
A sinister villain: Kapil Sharma is a gifted comedian who is
blessed with a good sense of humour and the gift of the gab. His jokes
and one-liners make us go ROFL. While playing a good, comic role would
be easy for him, we would like to see him playing the role of a dark,
ruthless villain. Someone who is evil, has a dark past and wants to
conquer the world without any regard for humanity. It will be a huge
challenge for him to break away from his image of a good and funny
character and slip into the shoes of Ek Villain. What say?
Quintessential lover-boy: While Kapil Sharma may not have Salman
Khan’s body, Hrithik Roshan’s looks or Shah Rukh Khan’s charisma, we
believe he is an extremely talented actor. We are convinced that Kapil
can carry off any role with ease and it would be indeed cool to see him
as the quintessential Bollywood lover-boy who woos the heroine in style,
romances her around trees and wins her reluctant parents too. The
novelty of it would surely draw the audience to theatres.
Action hero: Good with words and emotions, it is time we see
Kapil Sharma as the angry, young man who can pack a punch and can combat
goons single-handedly. We would love to see Kapil Sharma doing what
Amitabh Bachchan did in Zanjeer and Agneepath or what Ajay Devgn did in Singham.
Kapil will have to undergo a lot of training to do but it will surely
be a delight for all his fans. Wont you love to see Kapil flex his
Emotional avatar: While we have often seen Kapil Sharma laughing his heart out in his show Comedy Nights With Kapil,
we are yet to see him juggling other emotions such as grief, shock and
anger. Since we have full confidence in his acting prowess, we would
love to see him playing roles like Raj Kapoor's role in Mera Naam Joker, Rajesh Khanna in Anand or Hrithik Roshan in Guzaarish. It would be a challenge for Kapil to make us cry and that we believe will help him evolve as an actor.
Girl: Forget Gutthi,
we now want to see Kapil Sharma as a woman seducing men with her charms,
juggling domestic chores and handling a family. Remember Kamal Haasan
in Chachi 420, who undergoes a complete transformation and
dresses like a woman to stay close to his family. While Kamal Hassan was
impeccable as a middle-aged Marathi woman, we think Kapil will also do
wonders in a woman's role. He is blessed with a great sense of humour
and can make us laugh easily, and impersonating a woman would only add
to the humour.
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