Federation of Western India Cine Employee taking part in the show by AIB knockout Ranbir Singh, Arjun Kapoor and Karan Johar asked to apologize unconditionally. The organization said that the three people in the video does not apologize objectionable then action will be taken against them. FWICE is an organization in which many sectors of the industry are involved. However, Karan Johar, who said that the show does not like it, they do not see it. Karan Johar is supported by famous director Ram Gopal Varma. Meanwhile, AIB the disputed video is removed from YouTube.
Earlier, Bollywood star Salman Khan AIB via video raged when insulted his family. Salman Khan's sister Arpita Sharma AIB video is mimicked. Arpita has therefore been targeted as marriage before they had been dating Arjun Kapoor. Arpita fun of Salman Khan to remove this video to AIB flatly warned. However, AIB later removed the video. The show is also reportedly unhappy with the censor board.
Earlier, Bollywood star Salman Khan AIB via video raged when insulted his family. Salman Khan's sister Arpita Sharma AIB video is mimicked. Arpita has therefore been targeted as marriage before they had been dating Arjun Kapoor. Arpita fun of Salman Khan to remove this video to AIB flatly warned. However, AIB later removed the video. The show is also reportedly unhappy with the censor board.
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