Install MySmartPrice chrome extension and get a free paytm recharge voucher of Rs 20. The extension compares prices of products across different online stores and suggest you where you can get the product for lesser price. It lets you search for a product directly from the chrome extension and you can search while being on a different webpage like Facebook, YouTube, twitter etc.
2. Click on "ADD TO CHROME" button and in the popup press "Add".
3. The extension will now get installed in your browser.
4. After installing enter your email id in the popup.
5. The recharge voucher of paytm will be sent in your email id within few hours.
Avail Rs 20 Paytm Voucher from MySmartPrice
1. To avail the free recharge offer, first head to the offer link.
2. Click on "ADD TO CHROME" button and in the popup press "Add".
3. The extension will now get installed in your browser.
4. After installing enter your email id in the popup.
5. The recharge voucher of paytm will be sent in your email id within few hours.
Redeem the voucher at Paytm site or app.
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